Italian Handmade Ceramics Since 1995

Since 1980 Rina Menardi has been developing since her research in the field of ceramics, the personalization of work techniques, the exploration of color schemes, the search for neatness of form. Through this work she created her first collection of home accessories, all handcrafted stoneware pieces, always inspired by simple lines, inspired by nature, removed from the style of so many mass-produced products and never limited to a single purpose to believe how she does it that an object does not impose itself, but rather suggest visual and tactile sensations capable of evoking our deepest feelings.

Forms in Balance Between Mind and Soul

Rina sculpts the clay without ever feeling like a tout-dish ceramist. She chooses fired clay because in this material she feels an opportunity to express herself through owning some of nature's mysteries, understanding her laws, respecting her rules and limits. The always personal research she leads about the expressive possibilities of fired clay has always been accompanied by her growth as an individual.